Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Isom's Lifegroup service week is the 5th through the 8th of January,

See Teresa Clark for your assignments for nursery and coffee cart.

Guys don't need to worry about ushering any longer that is part of the greeting ministry.

Please continue to pray that God bless our group with willing servants.

Isom's next Lifegroup gathering is the 1st some are doing theirs a week later we just figured we don't go out on New Years eve or watch football so let's just get together...with our lifers! Let Ron or Tim know what, when and where!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Thank you to everyone who served this week... and especially to those first timers, Kat who was in the nursery Thursday with me, and Jen's first time at coffee this morning, and a big thank you to Allie who helped Jen and I get the coffee rolling could not have done it without you and the clean up afterward. Guess I need a lesson from Suzy J on how to make coffee.

Next Life group will be on the 8th, since the 1st is a holiday.

There will be a new group of greeters starting up to welcome people to church.
So far Kathy Isom is the only one from our lifegroup, this could mean that she is unavailable for "service" during our service week. So the word for the day is flexible please help to fill her spot while she participates in this new ministry!

New this week; name tags to identify those in service, please wear them.

There will be NO Thursday night services during the month of December.

Important Coffee Information:

  1. There needs to be 2 people
    working the cart; one to make coffee and one to collect money/mark cards.
  2. No more than 2 people working at a time. Older teens can be one of the workers, but not 2 teens.-
  3. Lessons in coffee making/first time coffee making needs to happen on Thursday, not on Sunday when we have more visitors and people.-
  4. Free coffee is ONLY for first time visitors! (Free coffee for workers ended quite
    awhile ago!)-
  5. Empty and low coffee supplies (except milk) needs to be written
    down and placed in Kathy Buchers box so she can replace them. She also keeps
    tabs on milk, just don't need to write her a note about it.-
  6. If you run low on dollar bills, tell Kathy B and she will get change.-
  7. Coffee orders need to END no less than 15 minutes before service starts; 615 Thursday, 1015 Sunday. This way all orders can be filled and the stand cleaned by service starting time.
  8. Please make sure cleaning is done completely.-
  9. NEVER deliver coffee into the
    sanctuary after service has started!-
  10. Last but not least, kiddos with hot chocolate need to be seated in one place while drinking, preferable not in foyer and attended to by their parent (this will help to lessen/eliminate stains on the carpet).

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Service week starting tonight:
  • Nursery Thursday Kat and Kathy Teresa to cover worship, be there by 6:00 p.m.
  • Coffee Thursday is Lena and Sarah be there by 6:00 p.m.
  • Ushers Thursday Ron and Anthony (don't forget to pull trash and lock up)
  • Nursery Sunday Teresa and Mandy be there by 10:00 a.m.
  • Coffee Sunday Jen and Coriann, Kat back up, be there no later than 10:00 a.m.
  • Ushers Sunday Tim and Jim be there no later than 10:00 a.m. (don't forget to pull trash and lock up)

Thank you so much for your service to our Lord and His people, call Ron or Kathy if you cannot make it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Singing in the Holiday's...at the Isom's life group December 4th 2011

Every life group has their uniqueness, our life group is comprised of people searching for unconditional love from Him and His people. Last night we had a house full kitchen and living room were packed! 30 people in attendance!!! We had 7 new comers. The adults and teens had an ornament exchange and each family contributed to filling Christmas stockings for our 7 kiddos. We had food, fellowship, and a time of worship. We set our service week, and now have enough ladies to rotate through the nursery and coffee cart, and enough men in our core group to handle ushering and offering. Starting our service week off we will have some new recruits at the coffee cart so please have some patience as Sarah, Coriann, Kat and Jen take to the coffee cart and learn the ropes. Ron and I are hoping as one of our remodeling projects to open up the kitchen to the living room for better flow for gatherings and work on an area for the kiddos to play so we can accomodate continued growth in our group. A huge thank you to Lena for her great ideas and to our men for leadership, and all of our ladies for their enthusiasm and participation. We hope you enjoyed our pictures from our night together....

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lets Celebrate Life

Come celebrate the start of the Holiday season with
Isom's newLife group
December 4th 4:00pm at The Isom's home in Astoria
(need directions let us know)
We will be enjoying Fun, Food, Fellowship, a message and perhaps some Christmas Music to get you in the spirit.
Going back to the original plan...to keep it simple:
Please bring the appetizer of your choice (Mandy is bringing a veggie platter, Kat was bringing a dessert which is still fine)

We will be having an ornament exchange for the adults and the teens, the ornament can be purchased or homemade. We would like to do small Christmas stockings for the kiddos,
please bring something by the 2nd of December for those.
Lena and I will be putting them together prior to our gathering.

Prayer list:

Be praying for the Christmas service at the Liberty, remember to invite people, be in prayer for the music, message and for our community that our guests would be moved to a life in Jesus!