Sunday, January 29, 2012


  • Thursday February 2nd coffee: Susan Vaughn and Kat Butcher
  • Thursday February 2nd Nursery: Teresa check in: Shaylyn, and Jane (Kathy will take over for Teresa at 6:30 or sooner)
  • Sunday February 5th coffee: Jen Sisley, Mandy Davidson and Sarah taking orders and cashier
  • Sunday February 5th Nursery: Jonnie Simmons, Kat Butcher and Teresa back up if Miss Jonnie cannot make it.

  • Please be praying for Miss Jonnie's Mom, she has been in the hospital recently.
    We are thankful Miss Jonnie helps our lifegroup in service.

    Call Ron or Kathy if you cannot fulfill your position

FEBRUARY 5TH is also our monthly get together: Since it's superbowl Sunday bring your favorite super bowl snack...We will meet at 4:00 at the Isom's house, talk to Teresa Clark about what you are bringing; as always Isom's will provide the house, the seats, the dishes, coffee, tea, water and yes the toilet paper!

Friday, January 20, 2012


The Ownership Class is coming up this Saturday at 6:00pm. It WILL be held at the
church, nursery will be provided, but there will be no meal as previously

This coming Sunday January 22nd the marriage series starts.
You don't want to miss this series!

Wednesday January 25th please Join Life west as we travel to Life east in Knappa for the
midweek service. (No Thursday service in Astoria) The address to the former
Immanual Lutheran Church is 42417 Valley Creek Lane. Travel through the Knappa
intersection (where the Logger Restaurant is) and on the east end of town, on
Highway 30, you will turn left onto Valley Creek Lane. The church is ahead on
your left. If you continue on Highway 30 up a long hill, you have gone to far;
turn around and make a right on Valley Creek Lane! Knappa ladies will be
providing lots of tasty deserts, there is also a nursery.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Announcements for Life West

  • Thursday night church services starts back up this week. 6:30 p.m.
  • Ownership Class is January 21st:If you are interested in becoming a more committed part of the church body, come find out what it all means. Child care and a meal will be provided. 6pm?
  • Marriage Series starts January 22nd Pastor will be preaching a four week series of messages to encourage the best marriages possible and will end on Sunday Night, Feb 12th with a date night challenge service! (more to come)
  • East Meets West January 25th this night will be a combination mid-week service, which will be held in Knappa at the Immanuel Lutheran Church, this is an opportunity to get to know our East church congregation.
  • Dating is back...sign up for your same life group or if you would like to check some others out here is your opportunity, I am not sure how long the dating period will be open for however in the mean time remember to serve in your current life group during their service week!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

PRAYER REQUESTS: This will be an on-going post and I will just edit it as we see God answer those prayers so keep me updated and as we add prayers. Don't wait until our meetings if you have a prayer request post it in the comment section or get a hold of Ron, or Kathy to post it!

  • Jim Davidson: Work, a desire to apply self, to be content with work obtained. 1/1/12

  • Shaylyn: Please pray that Faith come home so she can join this wonderful church family 1/1/12.

  • Jane: Pleae pray for Shaylyn and Faith to be together soon in this new year. They need each other. 1/1/12

New Year...NO FEAR!!!

We had our first life group meeting of the new year...on new years day!
Life groups are in the "dating" stage again...we had two 1st timers tonight welcome to Jarret and Karisa. We had Chili and Squash soup, a time of fellowship, a short message and a time or sharing. As Shaylyn put it, Pastor's message today was just what she needed and it spoke to her heart, as well as several of our other life group family, and tonight's life group meeting at the Isoms brought a time of intimacy and vulnerability as we shared how today's message touched our hearts. Ron brought a message out of I Samuel 14:6 about David and his armor bearer...taking the first steps and if it is God's will he will help you...NO fear!!! Just do something... God will bless it! That being said...I have updated the line up for our service week.

UPDATE: 3rd times a charm!

Thursday Coffee: Lena and Shaylyn be there by 5:45 p.m.
Thursday Nursery: Teresa, Ali and Kat, (be there by 5:45 p.m.)
Sunday Coffee: Jen 9:30...I will go in early and turn on the machine and get stuff set up. Karisa, and Shaylyn helpers, if you need rides let me know before the last minute PLEASE!!! or if I need to find someone else to cover you. Kat you will be back up for Sunday too if need be.
Sarah Clark you can be back up on either days...if you don't mind.
Sunday Nursery: Miss Jonnie and Mandy be there by 9:50 ready to accept kiddos at 10
WHEW I think all the bases are covered...Next month who would like to coordinate the service week??? We need to get some more people coffee trained on a night other than our service night, and Back ground checks on Shaylyn and Karisa if they want to help in nursery.