Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lets Celebrate Life

Come celebrate the start of the Holiday season with
Isom's newLife group
December 4th 4:00pm at The Isom's home in Astoria
(need directions let us know)
We will be enjoying Fun, Food, Fellowship, a message and perhaps some Christmas Music to get you in the spirit.
Going back to the original keep it simple:
Please bring the appetizer of your choice (Mandy is bringing a veggie platter, Kat was bringing a dessert which is still fine)

We will be having an ornament exchange for the adults and the teens, the ornament can be purchased or homemade. We would like to do small Christmas stockings for the kiddos,
please bring something by the 2nd of December for those.
Lena and I will be putting them together prior to our gathering.

Prayer list:

Be praying for the Christmas service at the Liberty, remember to invite people, be in prayer for the music, message and for our community that our guests would be moved to a life in Jesus!