Sunday, January 29, 2012


  • Thursday February 2nd coffee: Susan Vaughn and Kat Butcher
  • Thursday February 2nd Nursery: Teresa check in: Shaylyn, and Jane (Kathy will take over for Teresa at 6:30 or sooner)
  • Sunday February 5th coffee: Jen Sisley, Mandy Davidson and Sarah taking orders and cashier
  • Sunday February 5th Nursery: Jonnie Simmons, Kat Butcher and Teresa back up if Miss Jonnie cannot make it.

  • Please be praying for Miss Jonnie's Mom, she has been in the hospital recently.
    We are thankful Miss Jonnie helps our lifegroup in service.

    Call Ron or Kathy if you cannot fulfill your position

FEBRUARY 5TH is also our monthly get together: Since it's superbowl Sunday bring your favorite super bowl snack...We will meet at 4:00 at the Isom's house, talk to Teresa Clark about what you are bringing; as always Isom's will provide the house, the seats, the dishes, coffee, tea, water and yes the toilet paper!

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